Monday 5 May 2014

WiWW Table

What do we already know Ideas What do we need to know( to solve this problem) What should we do
1) Increasing number of waste in Malaysia Malaysian's consumption is a lot and increasing anually Why is Malaysian's consumption increasing anually? Conduct a research on types of waste  in Malaysia. Make a visit to local authorities to get information.
(Faris Farhan)
2) Waste management in Malysia is still poor and incompetent The issue of improper solid waste management is not yet critical in the eye of authorities What is the government current action regarding this issue?  Search the web for related campaigns and how to support them. Make some visit to local authorities to confirm that the campaign is still going on.
The public is less concerned or has no awareness about the issue How is the level of  public awareness towards this issue? Carry out a simple survey online or by hands-out to determine the public awareness
(Amalina & Aqila)
Malaysia lacks the resource in tools, ideas and technology to properly handle or dispose waste What are the other countries facing the problem and how they face it? Search the web, journals and books/magazines on countries facing the same problem and their solutions.
3) Solid waste end up in drains and causes flash flood, drainage blockage and spread diseases Poor waste management causes the waste to end up in the drain as landfills are no longer available. They pollute the soil and water reducing the environment capacity to sustain life Why do waste ends up in drain in Malaysia?
What type of pollutants is dangerous to human?
Observe the types of waste that ends up in drain in 'hot' places. Search the web for information on these types of pollutants.
4) 3R or Reduce, reuse and recycle is not practised by Malaysians There is lack of knowledge among the public on how certain things that are considered waste can be reuse or disposed in the safest form. What can be done to increase the public awareness? Make a blog and create fliers and distribute them to increase people's awareness about this issue.

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